Share your Survey Link

The sharing options explained in this article use the Survey Link Collector. You can find out all about creating a Survey Link Collector here.

The survey link that is automatically generated by the Survey Link Collector is just a normal link. The survey link can be copied from within your Collector and there are many options when it comes to sharing it. Here are some that we recommend:


Targeted Email Campaign

If you manage a web shop, blog, business, etc., then you will probably already have an existing list of email addresses from people who have opted-in to receiving email news and updates from you. The next time you send out your email campaign, you can simply include the survey link within the email, asking the recipient to participate in your online survey. You could also create an image banner and attach the link to that.


Sharing on Social Media

You can leverage the power of Social Media to share your survey link. If you manage a Facebook page or Twitter account for your business, then the people who follow you there are more than likely interested in what you have to say and would provide you will valuable feedback. It is really just as easy as pasting your survey link into a tweet or Facebook post and asking people to participate. If you do not have enough followers to reach the response number you are looking for, then why not try a Facebook advert or a targeted tweet, where you can pay to target massive numbers of users based on very specific target criteria.


Embedded Link

If you have a website or blog then you can also paste the survey link into a post or page. You can of course also embed your survey using an “iframe” or an “overlay”. We will soon offer custom Collectors to do exactly this. In the mean time, just ask your web team, they will know for sure how to embed your survey.

These are just a few ways for you to share your survey link. There are many other social networks and places you could paste your link.